
Events | Spring Renaissance Course Talk 4

Monday 26th April via Zoom at 6:30pm

Session Four – ‘A Nereid from the House of Farnese’ Raphael’s Triumph of Galatea, 1512

Commissioned as part of an overall schema for the very wealthy Sienese banker Agostino Chigi, aka “Il Magnifico,” the patron was purportedly the richest man in Rome and a connoisseur of art and literature. Raphael’s mythological masterpiece draws upon classical prototypes alongside more contemporary Renaissance art and theory. Raphael’s fresco is considered a masterpiece of compositional elements.

Listen to Nick’s talk on the artwork by clicking on the audio clip below:


Trionfo di Galatea (particolare) di Raffaello Sanzio, ©Villa Farnesina/ The Triumph of Galatea by Raphael (detail) ©Villa Farnesina