


Arcadia Education offers a bespoke personal mentoring programme for students at Senior School up to the transition to University. The contract and schedule is organised on an individual basis; dependent on age, stage and requirements, yet mentoring tends to work best throughout the Sixth Form. A financial retainer is required in order to secure the relatively long-term service, given the average period of mentoring tends to be two-years.

Mentoring sessions can be a mixture of face-to-face meetings, Zoom or conference calls, regular email contact – all aimed at supporting individual students and parents during the formative period of Years 12 to 13, or Lower Sixth to Upper Sixth respectively. Historically, students of this age have really benefitted from a mentor’s experience in education, on a pastoral-cum-academic level. Naturally this extends to preparing for A Levels, planning a Gap Year (if relevant) and of course the road to Higher Education. We have many connections in the broad field of education which we are naturally happy to share in moving forwards.

Nick Nelson’s experience is the result of 26 years in education, as a Resident Tutor, Housemaster, Director of Internationalism, Director of Culture, Scholarships Coordinator and Head of Department. Furthermore, he has taught seven separate subjects at secondary school level, whilst tutoring many students at private schools in the UK and abroad. Similar work undertaken in this field extends to Mander Portman Woodward, Heritage Education, Renee Consulting, The Boarding Schools Association, Paths to Learning Ltd. and, of course, Arcadia Education, founded in 2014.


Typical mentoring provision

  • Formulating a professional curriculum vitae
  • Creating a cover letter for work experience and/or part-time employment
  • Bespoke revision tips and techniques in preparing for assessment
  • Access to a range of past papers, mark schemes and examiner’s reports for various subjects
  • Support and resources for the EPQ and/or other NEA
  • Drafting and finalising a high quality Personal Statement
  • Assistance and advice on researching University courses in the UK and abroad
  • Completing the UCAS form and/or other forms for overseas applications as necessary
  • Navigating Unifrog, or similar, to forge a realistic shortlist of university course choices
  • Planning and support for a student Gap Year if required
  • Preparing for interview
  • A guide to student finances

Contact Katie: or Nick: to discuss your individual needs.

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